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GARDENS Publication

Sharing expertise about green education connected with inclusion across organizations in Europe. Collection of methods and practices to learn and discover how environmental education in gardens can be more accessible.

Gardens as Inclusive Green Learning Spaces

Urban gardens have many social and ecological potentials. There, we experience natural cycles, ecological correlations, and environmental and climate protection. We are in exchange with others and experience political and social connections. In urban gardens, we can develop together and continue to learn as adults through community activities. Public and easily accessible offers provide an opportunity for participation, especially for disadvantaged groups.
Gardens as Inclusive Green Learning Spaces is an Erasmus+ project aiming at sharing expertise about green education connected with inclusion across organizations in Europe. We collect and share methods and practices to learn and discover how environmental education in gardens can be more accessible.
The methods are on the topics of sustainability, circular economy, participatory methods, ecology, climate and food production with an inclusive approach.

E-book in English
E-book in Polish

Summary of E-book in different languages

Our main Publication has been created in English language. So far we have also translated the whole E-book into the Polish language. We would love to provide you with the full publication in your own language, however, we do have limited resources. We still would like to offer you the possibility of downloading the Summary of our E-book in all the languages below.  Please click the icon below to download the Summary of the project. 

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